Tax consulting
Tax consulting

Have a proper tax advice is essential for the development of any company. GEDOFU will provide proper tax planning and will always be at your disposal to solve quickly and efficiently any queries.

We serve all efforts with the different administrations. Equally, We represent your company and its partners, to the tax inspectorate, answering a few requests they will be made by official bodies.

We advise on the type of business formula (commercial society, civil, community property or individual) that best suits the needs and demands of our customers, optimizing taxation and taking care of everything needed to set up and manage your taxes.

Have a proper tax advice is essential for the development of any company…

Since the tax area we went to legal persons managing their legal situation, tax and each of their taxes. Preparation and electronic filing of:

  • Census declaration of commencement or cessation of activity, as well as changes in their tax obligations.
  • quarterly statements and annual summaries VAT.
  • Declaration of intra-community transactions.
  • annual statement of operations with third parties.
  • Refund of VAT paid in other Member States.
  • quarterly statements and annual summaries of withholding income from movable capital, property.
  • Annual corporate tax return.
Other services


  • Certificates of withholding investment income, property.
  • Prepayments of corporate tax.
  • Certificate Request to keep abreast of tax obligations.
  • Electronic tracking notifications.

Tax advice will manage every tax corresponding to them according to their legal status and tax regime.

Preparation and electronic filing of:

  • Census declaration of commencement or cessation of activity, as well as changes in their tax obligations.
  • census declaration of commencement of activity, as well as changes in their tax obligations.
  • Declaration of intra-community transactions.
  • annual statement of operations with third parties.
  • Refund of VAT paid in Member States Ostros.


  • Census declaration of commencement or cessation of activity, as well as changes in their tax obligations.
  • quarterly statements and annual summaries of VAT depending on whether tax regime (general or simplified).
  • fractioned payments of I.R.P.F. depending on whether tax regime (or objective estimation direct estimate).
  • quarterly statements and annual summaries of withholding income from real estate.
  • Withholding certificates of real estate capital.
  • Annual statement of I.R.P.F.
  • License application be aware of tax obligations.
  • electronic notifications.
We have been developing our consulting activity since 1988. Consolidating day after day thanks to the efforts of staff who form our organization.
Our team is always up to date to provide the utmost rigor and effectiveness.
Services for entrepreneurs, professionals, particular, Business organizations, professionals and other entities.
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Each and every one of the people who come into our offices has secured the commitment, the experience and dedication of our staff.
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    testimonial-team (Demo)
    Estela Rejalaga

    For me the service is first class, Excellent, especially for my dear manager Soledad, not only an efficient girl, but good person, with people skills, loving and close…….Sole, thank you very much!!!!!

    testimonial-team (Demo)
    Rocio Blanco Gómez

    Always is my agency and not change!!!! a team of professionals, you solve everything and are very nice, I trust them.